


Menarche Rites



Coming Home

Sacred Adornment

Forest and Village

August 1-3, 2025
at Sacred Nectar Sanctuary, Sandwich, NH

Forest and Village is a gathering of women listening: listening to Earth, to the Forest, to Mystery, to the ancient ones and to the future ones with the purpose of resurrecting our Rites and raising earth-based, soul-centric culture again, here, now.

It is not a festival to celebrate all things feminine. Rather, it is a supplication, to attune ourselves to the gifts and mythic of the whole feminine that was forced underground or into service during the patriarchy and colonization. It is a reclamation of the fabric of women– a devotional weaving of mothers, grandmothers, maidens, wild women, children, and medicine women on the land to repair and behold the beautiful richness of a village that centers our integral belonging with Gaia, the nurturing of the soul journey and the maturing of life-enhancing culture.

The gathering calls all ages of women to enter into the ecosystem of reciprocity – to feed and be fed by each other, to feed the land, and to feed the ancestors and the future ones with our love, our tending, our gratitude and our prayers. It is to honor the pain of what is happening in the world, what has been lost and what we continue to lose, so that we can access the love and passion beneath and ignite the power of action to create what we do want. This gathering is held in devotion to nourish the infrastructure of healthy culture by centering what is most important– honor for the cycles of life and our soul journey within the rhythms and wisdom of Gaia.

Here each woman finds the places she is called to tend and steep in – eight temples, each in service to an essential element of the whole feminine. Here the richness of apprenticing to our gifts comes alive – in context, on the land, in community.

Within this village, a special place and time will be held for rites of passage.

Our forests of old growth culture have been clear cut –  the medicine and magic retreating deep underground. We and all the others bravely re-emerging are signs of an evolutionary moment of rising to visibly manifest what is deeply needed now for the healthy biome of our interwoven presence as humans within the Web of Life. And so with deep reverence, we call the Healers, Caregivers, Storytellers, Singers, Visionaries, Wolf Women, Wisdom Carriers, Cultural Midwives, Change Agents, Web Weavers and Earth Lovers from all cultural lineages to come. We must weave with strong threads, a new fabric, now for this region and these times.

This event is open to all women – cis, trans or otherwise – and nonbinary individuals who find their homes in women – and femme-centric spaces.

Men’s Pilgrimage

As the energy of the Forest and Village grew in the mycelial layers this winter, the men in our community heard the call to offer a simultaneous gathering for men. This smaller circle of men will gather at Sacred Nectar on Thursday August 1st and set out into the wilderness for 4 days together to engage in deep reciprocity with nature. Their intention is to expand and empower each other to align with their authenticity and greater purpose to emerge as a primal brotherhood.

The men will return to Sacred Nectar on Sunday evening and join the women for a Lughnasadh Feast and council. Please note that the Sunday evening is addon for the women and we are limiting tickets to stay this additional night so that our numbers are somewhat even with the men!

If you would like to hear updates about the men’s gathering, contact menspilgrimage@gmail.com

Stay abreast with updates on all the happenings and evolution of these gatherings on the FB Event page


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